Why You Need Our Services

Why You Need Our Services

Why You Need a Night Dispatch Team

Whether it’s transporting medical supplies for busy hospitals, distributing produce across the country, or carrying goods from the influx of online orders, the trucking industry is busier than ever. For this reason, freight companies are often required to have a 24 hour dispatch to stay on top of any issues that arise so shipments aren’t held up. This is no problem for larger companies that have the staff and resources to provide around-the-clock attention. But what does this mean for small to medium sized businesses?

Given the current economic climate, many industries have found it difficult to fully staff their businesses even during normal business hours. Now let’s take into consideration those businesses that need to have staff around the clock. Unless you have a dedicated night team, you’re more than liking having to ask your employees to be on call all hours of the day every day. If this is the case for your business, think about sustainability and if they are able to provide the appropriate attention needed to make sure your freight is on schedule, and troubleshoot if needed.

This is where we come in! Night Dispatch provides a dedicated team of dispatchers to help you oversee your freight, address issues that arise during transport in reasonable time, and notify appropriate parties to keep you on schedule.

Benefits of Working With Us

We have seen many companies try to oversee all of their freight, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Though it can be done, it can certainly be better – and less stressful! Working with a team dedicated to overseeing your freight at all hours of the day offers many wonderful benefits to your company, staff, and those you are in contract with.

Keeping Deliveries on Schedule

If you are unable to address issues that arise in a timely manner, and provide the appropriate communication necessary for getting your freight back on track, your schedule will be severely affected and deliveries will be late. Being able to address issues when they arise, regardless of the time of day, will help you be more productive overall by eliminating any delivery holdups. Keeping your deliveries on schedule is one of the most important aspects of the job, and we are able to help ensure that happens.

Book More Freight

If you are consistently keeping your deliveries on schedule, and addressing issues that arise effectively, you will ultimately be able to book more freight. You can think of us as an extension of your team, helping you track your freight and communicating with appropriate parties about particular deliveries, freeing you up to focus on growing your business.

Business Reputation

Keeping freight on schedule and communicating consistently and effectively will go a long way for your reputation, helping you to build strong relationships with those you are in contract with. If you are able to provide outstanding customer service and keep deliveries on schedule, they are more likely to continue working with you. 

Better Work-Life Balance

We all know how frustrating it can be to work a full shift during the day, just to go home and be “on call” every night. Not giving yourself or your employees the ability to step away from work isn’t good for mental health, and can potentially affect your staff turnover rate. Keeping staff happy with a better work-life balance will do wonders for the productivity of your business. Working with Night Dispatch will allow you and your employees to confidently step away at the end of the day, trusting that your freight is in good hands.

Contact Our Team

We would love to see your business succeed and outshine the larger freight companies out there. Working with Night Dispatch can help you get there! Contact our team today to learn more about how we can work together.